by Chris Labatt-Simon | Jun 18, 2014 | Branding, Business, Marketing, Press, Tools, Uncategorized
I wrote a blog entry recently – “Shout! Scream! Yell! Your Company Depends On It!” – that focuses on the need to make people aware of your existence if you want them to hear your message. What better way is there for a small business to get...
by Chris Labatt-Simon | Jun 4, 2014 | Business, Employees, Leadership, Roundup, Social Media, Startup, Tools, Website
It’s the beginning of June and it’s finally warming up here in the great Northeast. There’s less than a month of school left for the kids. Summer vacation plans are all the buzz at the virtual watercooler, and everyone is prepping for the great...
by Chris Labatt-Simon | Oct 2, 2013 | Business, Finance, Metrics, Sales, Tools
I’ve been reading a number of articles on key performance indicators recently and wow – talk about complex measurements! There are numerous easy to measure key performance indicators that can be measured on a weekly or monthly basis that will tell you a...